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Measure Your Net Promoter Score℠

NPS® score calculation is not an intricate process you might think it to be. It’s a plain, simple subtraction of the percentage of your promoters and detractors. The score can give you a clear idea of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Calculate your NPS®

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Number of responses rated you a 9 or 10.

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Number of responses rated you a 7 or 8.

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Number of responses rated you a 0 or 6.

Your NPS® Score

Your NPS® Score


How Does the NPS® Calculation Work?

The Survey

It all starts with an NPS® survey question, which typically looks something like the following -

The Survey

The Ratings

The customers can answer this question by selecting a number between 0 (least likely) and 10 (most likely). Depending on these numbers, they are categorized into


These are customers who selected 9 or 10. This group represents the most satisfied customers and is more likely to suggest your brand to others.

category image


These are customers who selected 7 or 8. These customers are okay with your offerings, and they may or may not suggest your brand to others.

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These are customers who opted for 0 to 6. They are disappointed customers who are least likely to suggest your brand to others.

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The NPS® Formula

The NPS® formula is simple. It’s the subtraction between the percentage of promoters and detractors.

promoters image

% of Promoters


Detractors image

% of Detractors


NPS® Score

For example, If 50% of your customers are promoters and 20% are detractors,

then the NPS® score is 30.

promoters score



Detractors score


Detractors score

NPS® score

Interpreting Your NPS® Score

Absolute Method

When you are analyzing your NPS® using the absolute method, any score above 0 is deemed a great score. A positive score means that your customers are willing to stick to your brand and recommend it wholeheartedly.

Absolute Method method

Relative Method

In this method, your NPS® score is benchmarked with the industry standards to understand where you stand compared to your competitors. It is always a good practice to benchmark your NPS® score to self-evaluate and identify your biggest competitors.

Relative Method method

Benchmark Your NPS® Score Against Others in Your Industry

NPS® benchmarks by industries help you track your NPS® score against others in your industry.

Benchmark Your NPS®
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Acting on Your NPS® Score

Calculating the NPS® score is just the first step. Analyzing the feedback and finding ways to improve it is the (crucial) next part.

Address Detractors First

Address Detractors First

Give importance to detractors, understand where you have gone wrong, and swiftly work on them. This is essential to convert your detractors into promoters.

Close NPS® Feedback Loop

Close NPS® Feedback Loop

Follow up on each customer's feedback with tailored messaging to close the feedback loop. For example, you can send 'Thank you for your valuable time' to promoters.

Spot Trends

Spot Trends

Track NPS® over time to see whether customer experience is getting better or worse. For this, simply calculate NPS® at regular intervals and track the results.


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Mikhil Mathew

It’s a simple calculator that helps companies calculate their NPS® score with ease and for free.

Choose the Easiest Way to Calculate and Act on NPS® Score

SurveySparrow is one of the leading NPS® software that can help you run surveys, calculate NPS® scores, and provide insights to act on them.

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Automate NPS® tracking

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Successfully close the feedback loop

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1000+ pre-built templates

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AI surveys

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Advanced text and sentiment analysis

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